Put AI to work today!
Cutting-edge tech, real-world results. No techno-babble
We're your AI partner, turning cutting-edge tech into practical business wins. Human-centric AI solutions that real people can understand and use, boosting your operations, managing risks, and fueling growth.
+35 years
For 35 years, we've been elevating experiences and empowering people for the world's biggest brands and most significant events.Our innovative, design-thinking mindset gives us a unique edge in the AI world. We don't just get the tech – we understand change and how to create solutions that resonate and drive results in the real-world today and in the future.
Human - Centric
AI Solutions
AI Research
Our teams relentlessly explore, iterate, and deploy the ever evolving, cutting-edge AI to uncover its full potential and identify real-world applications.
AI Consulting
We use proprietary AIto identify high-impact opportunities in your organization and develop tailored strategies for effective AI implementation.
AI Education
We demystify AI through engaging, Fisher-Price'd educational experiences, preparing you and your team for effective AI adoption in your business.
Professional AI Tools
Our state-of-the-art AI tools elevate experiences and empower business professionals, to enhance productivity and decision-making everyday.
Custom Designed AI
We identify analyze your needs using AI, then design custom AI solutions and processes to tackle your biggest challenges and tedious tasks.
AI for Events
We blend decades of event expertise with AI to create unique experiences, elevate events, and deliver measurable ROI insights.
AI is about CHANGE
This isn't just about tech or innovation – it's about CHANGE. We use our years of design thinking to open minds to a new world where old methods won't cut it anymore, helping businesses adapt to the fastest-moving revolution in history.
Human-Centric, Collaborative AI
That's just fancy talk for we give you the tools, knwoledge, insight and confidence to do things you never thought possible.
Our approach is really pretty straight forward:
We make AI easy to understand and use in your everyday business.
We use AI to supercharge your operations, making things run smoother and faster.
We help you adopt AI safely, avoiding the pitfalls and minimizing risks.
We use AI to uncover insights that fuel your business growth.
We customize AI solutions to fit your unique business needs and goals.
AI Impact NOW!
The AI Advantage
Using our proprietary AI, we revolutionized a global organization's entire sales and marketing campaign in just two weeks. The result? Record-breaking performance with real-time insights, accomplished at a fraction of the traditional time and cost. When you tap into AI, you're not just ahead of the game – you're changing it entirely.
AI-Powered Breakthrough
Our AI didn't just crunch numbers, it revolutionized the fight against Parkinson's. For a Fortune 50 pharma giant, we mapped out a whole new scientific approach, from idea to implementation. The result? A game-changing tool that's accelerating the hunt for treatments. This isn't just smart tech – it's AI that could change lives.
Sam Stanton...download
Founder, Creative, Innovator
[email protected]
Robbie Sawyer...download
Chief of Staff, Innovator, Partnerships
[email protected]
Let's talk some AI, today!
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